By appointment only.
No walk ins. Please leave message or text.
Closed Jan5 until further notice due to family emergency
Services rendered: one 60-minute foot & body massage and one 30-minute body massage.
Summary: Anything that makes my aunt that happy deserves five stars. She’s going back again.
Sabrina C.
Choose the preferred massage therapist practitioners in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The Body Relaxation Massage therapist has more than 1 decade of experience. We're kid-friendly, locally owned and operated, business owner always on site.
10 minutes - $10
20 minutes - $20
30 minutes - $30
40 minutes - $40
30 Minutes $40
40 Minutes $50
60 Minutes $70
10 minutes - $10
20 minutes - $20
30 minutes - $30
60 minutes - $60
90 minutes - $80
30 Minutes $30
40 Minutes $40
60 Minutes $60
30 minutes - $40
60 minutes - $70
90 minutes - $90
Pair of Hands or Feet $10
60 minutes $100